Thursday, September 07, 2006

Grandmaster Zac Walters

This photo features Grandmaster Zac Walters performing Nan Chuan at Newtown Police Boys Club, 1996.The Full Contact Kung Fu Championships was organised by the Chinese Martial Arts Association.


Sifu SB said...

Darren do you know the history behind this photo..... I do

zac walters said...

Darren Stuar that photo was Stuart Brook's night.Other than that photo, one was published in the American Karate Magazine,I think it was Karate International 1996 or 97 I'm not certain.I think Stuart was just falling inlove with his wife now that year.That photo was taken at the Chinese Martial Arts Newton Police Youth Club....Tournament organiser was Sifu Connilius and George Plelis.

Sifu SB said...

haha what a great night that was, my shoulder still suffers pain from it.....